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​目で聴く 耳で観る 即興コンサート Vol.1

2016.7 空間演出

2015年の七夕に開催された「目で聴く 耳で観る 即興コンサート Vol.1」では、世界で初めてリクライニングシートを導入したホールであるハクジュホールの特性を生かし、客席と舞台の上空に30cm×30cmの樹脂板を247枚配置した。客席後方のプロジェクターから舞台に向かって投影された映像は小さな断片となり、観客の頭上を天の川のように漂う。


This was an improvisation concert by students and graduates of improvisation classes at Tokyo University of the Arts and Senzoku Gakuen College of Music. I participated in this project as a student of the Faculty of Fine Arts. I directed the space of Hakuju Hall, the venue for the concert, and also performed as a dancer. The visual elements and the act of performance were treated equally, aiming to be remembered as a single work in the audience's image.

For the "Listening with the Eyes, Watching with the Ears Improvisation Concert Vol. 1" held on Tanabata in 2015, 247 30cm x 30cm plastic boards were placed above the audience seats and the stage, taking advantage of the characteristics of Hakuju Hall, the first hall in the world to introduce reclining seats. The images projected from the projectors at the back of the auditorium toward the stage became small fragments that drifted over the audience's heads like the Milky Way.


2015.7.7 Hakuju Hall

出演   荒木遼 井口理 梅津祐那 加藤綾子 佐藤果林 

     高倉圭吾 武田圭司 田中拓也 田中力 中島裕廉 

     長谷川将也 樋口さゆり 堀野一穂 山中惇史

空間演出 荒木遼

監修   平野公崇

主催   Hakujyu Hall / (株)白寿生科学研究所 /

     目で聴く 耳で観る 即興コンサート事務局

協力   (株)フラットステージ / 池田光浩

Music&Performance : Ryo Araki, Satoru Iguchi, Yuna Umezu,  Ayako Kato, Karin Sato, Keigo Takakura, Keiji Takeda, Tsutomu Tanaka,

Hiroyasu Nakajima, Masaya Hasegawa, Sayuri Higuchi, Kazuho Horino, 

Atsushi Yamanaka  /  Stage designed by : Ryo Araki  / Supervised by : Masataka Hirano  /  Presented by : Hakuju Hall, Hakuju Institute for Health Science Co.,Ltd.,  Hear with your eyes See with your ears Improvisation Concert Office  /  technical collaborator : Flat Stage Co.,Ltd. / Mitsuhiro Ikeda

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