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Choreography of Ueno Station

2016.6 パフォーマンス/動画制作

冒頭、駅と劇場の持つ空間的特徴の近似性を捉える映像は、徐々にその視点を人々の動きへとフォーカスする。上野駅を行き交う雑踏の映像とダンス作品の上演映像が交錯するシーンでは、駅の利用者が描く無数の通過線の集積が切り取られ、その断面が持つ演劇性を顕在化する。更に、一人の男が旅客を装ったパフォーマーとして登場し、駅の日常風景 (看板や改札機、エスカレータ…etc.)を舞台装置に、また周囲の旅客を他の演者に見立てダンス作品の振付を引用したアクションを起こす。この様子は離れた場所から望遠カメラによって撮影され、パフォーマーの存在によって引き起こされる周囲の反応 (物理的な滞留/興味を持つ/あえて気づかないふりをする…etc.)が記録されている。

映像中に登場するダンス映像の出典:Международный день балета: Большой театр / World Ballet Day: The Bolshoi Theatre.Youtube.<>(参照日2016年6月25日)

This is a short video produced to examine the relationship between the two programs, the train station and the theater. The video deconstructs the scenery of both the station and the theater, creating a collage of their spaces, functions, and people's behavior on the screen.
At the beginning of the film, the viewer sees the similarity of the spatial characteristics of the station and the theater, and gradually the focus shifts to the movements of the people. In a scene in which images of the crowded streets of Ueno Station intersect with images of a dance performance, the accumulation of countless lines of passage drawn by station users is cut out, revealing the theatricality of this cross-section of the station. Furthermore, a man appears as a performer posing as a passenger, using the station's everyday scenery (signboards, ticket gates, escalators, etc.) as stage sets, and the surrounding passengers as other performers, to perform actions that are taken from the choreography of the dance piece. This was filmed from a distance with a telephoto camera, which recorded the reactions of the surrounding people (physical retention/interest/pretending not to notice...etc.) caused by the presence of the performers.

Source of dance footage appearing in the video

Международный день балета: Большой театр / World Ballet Day: The Bolshoi Theatre.Youtube.

<>(Reference date June 25, 2016.)

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